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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Golden Pasta Recruitment: Process Operators, Accountants and Health Oficers
Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc (FMN) is one of the largest and most successful industrial conglomerates in Nigeria.The Company's activities span flour milling, pasta manufacturing, port operations, cement trade & manufacturing, fertilizer blending, bags & other packaging  materials manufacturing and agricultural business.
Golden Pasta Co. Ltd is a subsidary of Flour mills of Nig. Plc
- Monitoring of process parameters,
- Identifying quality problems
- Detecting machine malfunction and taking appropriate corrective measures
- ND in Sciencies/Engineering
- 5 o'Level Credits including Maths , and English Language
- Minimum of 3 years exoerience as first line operator
- Preparation and reporting on the monthly financial activities of the business unit
- Prepare and interprete management account to all levels of management
- See to the training ansd development of subordinates and attend to any   other ad-hoc project as required
- BSc. Accounting/ mgt. Science
- ACA/ACCA with 5years poat qualification experience in a manufacturing company
- Computer literacy and hand on experience of the use of FRP( e.g Navigation Financial Axapta)
- A minimum of 5yeras experience in a manufacturing company
- report all matters relating to the discharge of his duty or delegatied duty to all Manager
- To correct all unsafe acts or conditions
- must be able to maintain regular patrol and surceillancs
- Oversee periodic maintenance of allinstalled HSE equipment in the plant
- HND/BSv. and other related certifivate
- Basic Fire Safety certifivate course
- HSE level III certifivate
- A minimum of 3 years as a Safety Officier in a reputable organisation
Applicants should forward teir detail resume and copies of credentials to not latter than 21st June, 2010.

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